Karfas has a good aroma and when it is hung under the neck, it relieves toothache.
Karfas is hot and dry, and it opens the clogs of the liver and the spleen. Wet celery leaves helps the stomach and the cold liver, causes urine as a diuretic, menstrual flow, and dissolves stones. Celery grains are more effective in this regard. Karfas also stimulates semen production and relieves offensive breath. Ar-Razi said, "One should avoid eating it if he fears he might suffer a scorpion sting."
Taken From: Healing with the Medicine of The Prophet (peace be upon him) By Imam Ibn Qayyim Al-Jauziyah
This blog is about all the medicines which have been prescribed by the Prophet (SAWS).
Monday, December 15, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Narjis (Narcissus)
The Narjis is hot and dry int he second degree and its stems are used to relieve deep cankers that reach the nerves. Also, Narjis cleanses and extracts septic substances. If the Narjis is cooked and one drinks its water, or boils it and eats it, it will cause vomiting and will extract the moistures that reside in the bottom of the stomach. When the Narjis is cooked with lentil plant and honey, it will cleanse the cankers from septic excretions and will cause the gastric ulcers to rupture.
Narjis blossoms are mild and beneficial against colds. They have a strong power of decomposition, open the nose and cerebral clogs, and help against headaches and black bile. Those who repeatedly smell Narjis during winter will have immunity from pleurisy during summer. Also, Narjis helps relieve headaches caused by phlegm and black bile. Narjis aroma sharpens the mind and the heart and helps relieve many of their ailments. The author of 'At-Taysur' once said, "Inhaling Narjis aroma heals against epilepsy that attacks boys."
Taken From: Healing With The Medicine Of The Prophet (peace be upon him) By Imam Ibn Qayyim Al-Jauziyah
Narjis blossoms are mild and beneficial against colds. They have a strong power of decomposition, open the nose and cerebral clogs, and help against headaches and black bile. Those who repeatedly smell Narjis during winter will have immunity from pleurisy during summer. Also, Narjis helps relieve headaches caused by phlegm and black bile. Narjis aroma sharpens the mind and the heart and helps relieve many of their ailments. The author of 'At-Taysur' once said, "Inhaling Narjis aroma heals against epilepsy that attacks boys."
Taken From: Healing With The Medicine Of The Prophet (peace be upon him) By Imam Ibn Qayyim Al-Jauziyah
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Abu Dawud and At-Tirmidhi narrated that the Prophet (peace be upon him) used to eat watermelon with ripe dates, saying: "The hotness of this substance (dates) neutralizes the coolness of that (watermelon)."
There are several Ahadith regarding watermelon none of them are authentic, except the Hadith that we mentioned above.
Green watermelon is cold and wet and is sweet. it also works as a cleanser (for the stomach and the intestines). Watermelon departs the stomach more quickly than cucumber and quickly blends with whatever substances are present in the stomach. It is beneficial to eat watermelon when it is warm, but when it is cold it is better to have it with some ginger to offset its harm.
Watermelon should be eaten before the meals. Otherwise, it will cause nausea. Some doctors said that when watermelon is, "Eaten before the meal, it cleanses the stomach and removes ailments."
Taken From: Healing With The Medicine Of The Prophet (peace be upon him) By Imam Ibn Qayyim Al-Jauziyah
There are several Ahadith regarding watermelon none of them are authentic, except the Hadith that we mentioned above.
Green watermelon is cold and wet and is sweet. it also works as a cleanser (for the stomach and the intestines). Watermelon departs the stomach more quickly than cucumber and quickly blends with whatever substances are present in the stomach. It is beneficial to eat watermelon when it is warm, but when it is cold it is better to have it with some ginger to offset its harm.
Watermelon should be eaten before the meals. Otherwise, it will cause nausea. Some doctors said that when watermelon is, "Eaten before the meal, it cleanses the stomach and removes ailments."
Taken From: Healing With The Medicine Of The Prophet (peace be upon him) By Imam Ibn Qayyim Al-Jauziyah
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Misk (Musk)
Muslim narrated that Abu Sai'd Al-Khudri said that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "The best type of perfume is Musk."
In the Sahihain it is also narrated that Aishsh (RA) said: "I used to anoint the Prophet (peace be upon him) with perfumed Musk before assuming Ihram, on the Day of the Sacrifice and before performing Tawaf around the (Sacred) House."
Musk is the king of all perfumes, it has the best aroma. Other types of perfumes are usually compared to Musk, but Musk is never compared to them. Also, the hills and sands of Paradise are made of Musk.
Musk is a hot, dry substance of the second degree, and it brings comfort and joy to the hearts and strengthens the inner organs when it is drunk or smelled. Musk also brings strength and comfort to the external organs when anointed with it. Musk is profitable for old people and those who have excessive skin moistures, especially during winter, and also helps against fainting, shaking and the general weakness in the body as it excites the instinctive heat. Musk clears the white part in the eye and dries excess moisture in it, and also dissipates swelling in various organs. Musk also works as an antidote for some poisons, and helps against snakebite. It has many other benefits.
Taken From: Healing with the medicine of the Prophet (peace be upon him), by Imam Ibn Qayyim Al-Jauziyah
In the Sahihain it is also narrated that Aishsh (RA) said: "I used to anoint the Prophet (peace be upon him) with perfumed Musk before assuming Ihram, on the Day of the Sacrifice and before performing Tawaf around the (Sacred) House."
Musk is the king of all perfumes, it has the best aroma. Other types of perfumes are usually compared to Musk, but Musk is never compared to them. Also, the hills and sands of Paradise are made of Musk.
Musk is a hot, dry substance of the second degree, and it brings comfort and joy to the hearts and strengthens the inner organs when it is drunk or smelled. Musk also brings strength and comfort to the external organs when anointed with it. Musk is profitable for old people and those who have excessive skin moistures, especially during winter, and also helps against fainting, shaking and the general weakness in the body as it excites the instinctive heat. Musk clears the white part in the eye and dries excess moisture in it, and also dissipates swelling in various organs. Musk also works as an antidote for some poisons, and helps against snakebite. It has many other benefits.
Taken From: Healing with the medicine of the Prophet (peace be upon him), by Imam Ibn Qayyim Al-Jauziyah
Monday, August 11, 2008
Zamzam Water
Zamzam Water is the best, freshest, most beneficial, most beloved and most precious water there is. Further, Zamzam water was dug up by Jibril and the source that Prophet Isma'il(AS) drank from.
In the Sahihain it is narrated that the Prophet(SAWS) said to Abu Tharr, who remained at the Ka'bah for 40 days without food (or drink) living on Zamzam water: "It is a nutritious food." Muslim added that the Prophet(SAWS) said: "And a cure from ailment."
Furthermore, Ibn Majah narrated that Jabir bin 'Abdullah related from the Prophet(SAWS) that he said: "Zamzam water is for whatever was intended behind drinking it."
We were told that 'Abdullah bin Al-Mubarak once said. "O Allah Ibn Al-Mu'ammil told us that Muhammad bin Al-Munkar related from Jabir(RA) that your Prophet(SAWS) said: "The water of Zamzam is for the purpose it is drank for, and I drink it to relieve my thirst on the Day of Ressurection." This Hadith is of the Hasan (Sound) type.
Many other people and I have tried drinking Zamzam water for the purpose of being cured from various illnesses, and by the will of Allah, I was indeed cured from several illnesses. I also saw some people who lived on Zamzam water for a long time, fifteen days or a little longer without complaining from hunger. Such people would perform Tawaf with other people at a normal pace. Someone even told me that Zamzam water was his only food and drink for forty days and that he still had enough strength to fast and perform Tawaf many times.
Taken From: Healing with the Medicine of The Prophet(SAWS) by Imam Ibn Qayyim Al-Jauziyah
In the Sahihain it is narrated that the Prophet(SAWS) said to Abu Tharr, who remained at the Ka'bah for 40 days without food (or drink) living on Zamzam water: "It is a nutritious food." Muslim added that the Prophet(SAWS) said: "And a cure from ailment."
Furthermore, Ibn Majah narrated that Jabir bin 'Abdullah related from the Prophet(SAWS) that he said: "Zamzam water is for whatever was intended behind drinking it."
We were told that 'Abdullah bin Al-Mubarak once said. "O Allah Ibn Al-Mu'ammil told us that Muhammad bin Al-Munkar related from Jabir(RA) that your Prophet(SAWS) said: "The water of Zamzam is for the purpose it is drank for, and I drink it to relieve my thirst on the Day of Ressurection." This Hadith is of the Hasan (Sound) type.
Many other people and I have tried drinking Zamzam water for the purpose of being cured from various illnesses, and by the will of Allah, I was indeed cured from several illnesses. I also saw some people who lived on Zamzam water for a long time, fifteen days or a little longer without complaining from hunger. Such people would perform Tawaf with other people at a normal pace. Someone even told me that Zamzam water was his only food and drink for forty days and that he still had enough strength to fast and perform Tawaf many times.
Taken From: Healing with the Medicine of The Prophet(SAWS) by Imam Ibn Qayyim Al-Jauziyah
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Zaitoon (Olive) is Cure for Seventy Diseases
Zaitoon (Olive) the sign of peace and friendship in this world has its description in Holy Qur’an Allah (swt) says:
1. By the fig and olive
2. And the mount of Sinai
3. And the city of security
4. We have indeed created man in the best of moulds
5. Then do we abase him (to be) the lowest of low
6. Except such as believe and do righteous deeds for they shall have a reward unfailing
7. What then, can after this, make you deny the last judgement
8. Is not Allah the wisest of judges” (The Fig, Surah 95)
The plant of olive goes up to the height of 3 metres, leaves are bright green and very attractive and the fruits are of bright bluish or violet colour, possesses a metallic taste. It is known from old ages. During the excavation of ancient Egyptian graves, vessels full of olive oil were found with other articles. According to the scholars of Hadith, on subsidence of Toofan-E-Nooh, when water level came down, the first thing on the earth that was seen, was the olive plant.
The plant is extensively found in Asia minor, Palestine, Roman territory, Greece, Portugal, Spain, Turkey, Italy, North Africa, Algeria, Tunisia, California in America, Mexico, Peru and South zone of Australia. Usually it is imported from Spain, Italy, France, Turkey and Greece. Though olive fruits are very nutritious it is not usually eaten due to its metallic taste. Rather pickles of its fruits are largely consumed in Europe. The fruits preserved in vinegar is imported from Greece and liked very much in Europe and in Arabian countries.
Olive oil is a good preservative for other eatables too. Sardine and other fishes are tinned and preserved in olive oil. The smoke-less burning of olive oil is a peculiar feature, which produces a bright light. Holy Qur’an stresses the importance of Zaitoon on several occasions: (141-M-AlInaam-6), (99-K-AlInaam-6), (11-K-AlNahl-16), (AlNoor-35), (Moominoon).
Hazrat Sayyed Al-Ansari narrates that the Prophet (saws) said “Eat the olive oil and massage it over your bodies since it is a holy (mubarak) tree.” (Tirmizi, Ibn Maja)
Hazrat Alqama Bin Amir narrates that Prophet (saws) said, “ There is olive oil for you, eat it, massage over your body, since it is effective in Haemorrhoids (Piles).” (Ibn Al-Jozi, Zanbi)
Hazrat Aqba Bin Amir narrates that the Prophet (saws) stated, “You have the olive oil from this Holy (mubarak) tree, treat yourself with this, since it cures the Anal fissure (Basoor).” Khalid Bin Saad narrates “I came to Madinah with Ghalib Bin Al Jabr. Ghalib became ill during the journey. Ibn Abi Ateeq came to see him and told a narration from Hazrat Aisha that the Prophet (saws) told about the cure in Kalonji. We crushed a few seeds of Kalonji and mixed it with olive oil and dropped in both nostrils, after which Ghalib became healthy.” (Ibn Maja, Bukhari)
Hazrath Abu Hurairah (t) narrates that the Prophet (saws) stated, “ Eat the olive oil and apply it (locally), since there is cure for seventy diseases in it, one of them is Leprosy.” (Abu Naim)
Hazrat Zaid Bin Arqam narrates “ We have been directed by the Prophet (saws) that we should treat the Pleurisy with Qust-e-Behri (Qust Sheerin) and olive oil.” (Tirmizi, sanadeAhmed, Ibn Maja)
Olive oil has a place in Govt Pharmacopeia of USA and Britain (British Pharmacopeia). Both of these countries have given prime importance to olive oil for the treatment of various ailments and have fixed standard parameters to evaluate its purity.
It contains Palmatic Acid, Oleic Acid, Linoleic Acid, Steanic Acid, Myristic Acid and Glycerides. It is not dissolved in water but in Alcohol, Ether, Chloroform and Liquid Paraffin.
The adulterant very often used in the olive are of the seeds of Tea Plant, Arachis oil in the market samples of olive oil. Sometimes Machine Gun oil and refined Mobile oil are also found.
Olive oil is extracted from the ripened fruits. The unripe and over ripe fruits contain less amount of the oil. The fruits are processed three times. Successively, the first round oil is the best in quality, golden in colour, with a light fragrance and known as virgin oil. Some varieties of olive oil remained unchanged in its effectiveness for years together. It contains therapeutic potential even if it is a thousand years old. Despite the prime importance and holiness given by Qur’an and Prophet Muhammad (saws) no work has been done to find out its efficacy for the ailments other than the Haemorrhoids, Anal fissure, Skin diseases, pleurisy and leprosy, which are already described by the Prophet (saws) , whereas the Prophet (saws) himself says us that it contains cure for seventy diseases.
According to Ibn Al-Qayyim the red coloured oil is better than blackish one. It is an exhilarant, glows up the facial complexion, provides prevention against poisons, regulates the digestive process, expels the intestinal parasites, makes the hair lustrous and minimises the ageing problems. The massage of olive oil with common salt over the gums is a remedy for several diseases of gums and teeth. The local application of olive oil or the water extracted from the crushed olive oil leaves is effective on boils, rashes and itching. The chronic ulcers and boils, which show difficult healing condition, are healed up with the use of olive oil locally.
According to Zahbi it strengthens the hairs and body, hence could be used as a good tonic in old age problems and to delay the ageing process. It is also useful in sexual weakness. Combination of normal saline with olive oil is highly effective in burns cases.
The decoction of olive leaves in water is effective against mouth and lips ulcers and allergic dermatitis also. The concentrated aqueous extract of olive leaves and fruits is very effective against dental cavities and application of this solution shows very good effects on Leukoplaquea in mouth. This solution is applied with vinegar on Alopecia, grows the hair and removes the Alopecia. It is also stated that the local application of this extract removes the scars of small pox and boils. The powder of seeds mixed with butter is effective in brittle nails. The pickles prepared from olive fruits is a good appetizer and removes constipation. The smashed leaves are applied locally to check excessive perspiration. The water extracted from the leaves with honey is used as Ear drops and effective in various Ear ailments. The oil procured by burning of olive wood is effective against all fungal infection viz, Ringworm, T.versicolor etc. in addition to Eczema, Psoriasis, Dandruff and Alopecia. The local application of olive oil on scalp is highly effective against dandruff. It grows the hairs and checks, the loss of hair. The application of olive oil in eyes relieves the inflammation.
The massage of olive oil over the body tones up the muscles and organs, it relieves muscular pains. Some physicians also advocate the massage of olive oil for epilepsy. It relieves the Sciatic and arthritis. The ointment prepared from olive oil are very good healing agents. It heals the sinus and fistula very quickly. 25ml of olive oil mixed with 250ml of barley water, if taken internally, is highly effective against chronic constipation. It is good Diuretic, hence is used in Ascites. It also removes the kidney stones.
A conventional regimen is also available comprising of olive oil and other herbal drugs having potential against the Gall bladder stones. It is stated that this regimen dissolves and expels the Gall bladder stone.
In view of the researches carried out in USA and England, it is concluded that it is a good nourishing diet during the ailments of kidney, where nitrogen containing food/proteins in take is contra indicated. Since, the Prophet (saws) stated that it is a good remedy for Anal fissure, hence for the same complaint patients were advised to take two spoonful of olive oil at bedtime and an ointment was applied on fissure locally at retiring and in morning, prepared from 8 spoonfuls of olive oil and 2 spoonfuls of ground henna leaves. This showed very good effects against the problem. It is a good tonic for hair and maintains the lustre. Its combination with other prescribed drugs of Tibb-al-Nabwi is a good remedy for Psoriasis and Eczema. The impressions of several doctors practising in middle east and North Africa reveal that no case was detected of Gastro Intestinal Carcinoma, among those who were used to consuming olive oil. Japanese doctors also endorse this fact and have the opinion that olive oil prevents the incidence of Carcinoma in G.I.T.
The Prophet (saws) stated that it is a good remedy for intestinal inflammations. Therefore it was used in the cases of G.I.T ulcers and found very much effective. It is also observed that no remedy equates the benefits of olive oil in hyper acidity and gas troubles.
The Prophet (saws) recommended the use of olive oil in Pleurisy. Keeping this in view olive oil was administered in various diseases of Respiratory tract and it was observed that the regular users of olive oil were least affected with common cold and coryza and pneumonia.
The clinical experiences of well qualified and highly established doctors in the profession who take a keen insight in Prophet’s medicine reveal that olive oil is a good supportive treatment in Tubercular infection of either sites. According to a narration of Kahlid Bin Saad in Ibn Maja, one spoonful of Kalonji was pulverised and mixed with 12 spoonful of olive oil. This suggestion was dropped into the nostrils morning and evening for the cases of chronic cold and epistaxis. The results were found highly positive.
1. By the fig and olive
2. And the mount of Sinai
3. And the city of security
4. We have indeed created man in the best of moulds
5. Then do we abase him (to be) the lowest of low
6. Except such as believe and do righteous deeds for they shall have a reward unfailing
7. What then, can after this, make you deny the last judgement
8. Is not Allah the wisest of judges” (The Fig, Surah 95)
The plant of olive goes up to the height of 3 metres, leaves are bright green and very attractive and the fruits are of bright bluish or violet colour, possesses a metallic taste. It is known from old ages. During the excavation of ancient Egyptian graves, vessels full of olive oil were found with other articles. According to the scholars of Hadith, on subsidence of Toofan-E-Nooh, when water level came down, the first thing on the earth that was seen, was the olive plant.
The plant is extensively found in Asia minor, Palestine, Roman territory, Greece, Portugal, Spain, Turkey, Italy, North Africa, Algeria, Tunisia, California in America, Mexico, Peru and South zone of Australia. Usually it is imported from Spain, Italy, France, Turkey and Greece. Though olive fruits are very nutritious it is not usually eaten due to its metallic taste. Rather pickles of its fruits are largely consumed in Europe. The fruits preserved in vinegar is imported from Greece and liked very much in Europe and in Arabian countries.
Olive oil is a good preservative for other eatables too. Sardine and other fishes are tinned and preserved in olive oil. The smoke-less burning of olive oil is a peculiar feature, which produces a bright light. Holy Qur’an stresses the importance of Zaitoon on several occasions: (141-M-AlInaam-6), (99-K-AlInaam-6), (11-K-AlNahl-16), (AlNoor-35), (Moominoon).
Hazrat Sayyed Al-Ansari narrates that the Prophet (saws) said “Eat the olive oil and massage it over your bodies since it is a holy (mubarak) tree.” (Tirmizi, Ibn Maja)
Hazrat Alqama Bin Amir narrates that Prophet (saws) said, “ There is olive oil for you, eat it, massage over your body, since it is effective in Haemorrhoids (Piles).” (Ibn Al-Jozi, Zanbi)
Hazrat Aqba Bin Amir narrates that the Prophet (saws) stated, “You have the olive oil from this Holy (mubarak) tree, treat yourself with this, since it cures the Anal fissure (Basoor).” Khalid Bin Saad narrates “I came to Madinah with Ghalib Bin Al Jabr. Ghalib became ill during the journey. Ibn Abi Ateeq came to see him and told a narration from Hazrat Aisha that the Prophet (saws) told about the cure in Kalonji. We crushed a few seeds of Kalonji and mixed it with olive oil and dropped in both nostrils, after which Ghalib became healthy.” (Ibn Maja, Bukhari)
Hazrath Abu Hurairah (t) narrates that the Prophet (saws) stated, “ Eat the olive oil and apply it (locally), since there is cure for seventy diseases in it, one of them is Leprosy.” (Abu Naim)
Hazrat Zaid Bin Arqam narrates “ We have been directed by the Prophet (saws) that we should treat the Pleurisy with Qust-e-Behri (Qust Sheerin) and olive oil.” (Tirmizi, sanadeAhmed, Ibn Maja)
Olive oil has a place in Govt Pharmacopeia of USA and Britain (British Pharmacopeia). Both of these countries have given prime importance to olive oil for the treatment of various ailments and have fixed standard parameters to evaluate its purity.
It contains Palmatic Acid, Oleic Acid, Linoleic Acid, Steanic Acid, Myristic Acid and Glycerides. It is not dissolved in water but in Alcohol, Ether, Chloroform and Liquid Paraffin.
The adulterant very often used in the olive are of the seeds of Tea Plant, Arachis oil in the market samples of olive oil. Sometimes Machine Gun oil and refined Mobile oil are also found.
Olive oil is extracted from the ripened fruits. The unripe and over ripe fruits contain less amount of the oil. The fruits are processed three times. Successively, the first round oil is the best in quality, golden in colour, with a light fragrance and known as virgin oil. Some varieties of olive oil remained unchanged in its effectiveness for years together. It contains therapeutic potential even if it is a thousand years old. Despite the prime importance and holiness given by Qur’an and Prophet Muhammad (saws) no work has been done to find out its efficacy for the ailments other than the Haemorrhoids, Anal fissure, Skin diseases, pleurisy and leprosy, which are already described by the Prophet (saws) , whereas the Prophet (saws) himself says us that it contains cure for seventy diseases.
According to Ibn Al-Qayyim the red coloured oil is better than blackish one. It is an exhilarant, glows up the facial complexion, provides prevention against poisons, regulates the digestive process, expels the intestinal parasites, makes the hair lustrous and minimises the ageing problems. The massage of olive oil with common salt over the gums is a remedy for several diseases of gums and teeth. The local application of olive oil or the water extracted from the crushed olive oil leaves is effective on boils, rashes and itching. The chronic ulcers and boils, which show difficult healing condition, are healed up with the use of olive oil locally.
According to Zahbi it strengthens the hairs and body, hence could be used as a good tonic in old age problems and to delay the ageing process. It is also useful in sexual weakness. Combination of normal saline with olive oil is highly effective in burns cases.
The decoction of olive leaves in water is effective against mouth and lips ulcers and allergic dermatitis also. The concentrated aqueous extract of olive leaves and fruits is very effective against dental cavities and application of this solution shows very good effects on Leukoplaquea in mouth. This solution is applied with vinegar on Alopecia, grows the hair and removes the Alopecia. It is also stated that the local application of this extract removes the scars of small pox and boils. The powder of seeds mixed with butter is effective in brittle nails. The pickles prepared from olive fruits is a good appetizer and removes constipation. The smashed leaves are applied locally to check excessive perspiration. The water extracted from the leaves with honey is used as Ear drops and effective in various Ear ailments. The oil procured by burning of olive wood is effective against all fungal infection viz, Ringworm, T.versicolor etc. in addition to Eczema, Psoriasis, Dandruff and Alopecia. The local application of olive oil on scalp is highly effective against dandruff. It grows the hairs and checks, the loss of hair. The application of olive oil in eyes relieves the inflammation.
The massage of olive oil over the body tones up the muscles and organs, it relieves muscular pains. Some physicians also advocate the massage of olive oil for epilepsy. It relieves the Sciatic and arthritis. The ointment prepared from olive oil are very good healing agents. It heals the sinus and fistula very quickly. 25ml of olive oil mixed with 250ml of barley water, if taken internally, is highly effective against chronic constipation. It is good Diuretic, hence is used in Ascites. It also removes the kidney stones.
A conventional regimen is also available comprising of olive oil and other herbal drugs having potential against the Gall bladder stones. It is stated that this regimen dissolves and expels the Gall bladder stone.
In view of the researches carried out in USA and England, it is concluded that it is a good nourishing diet during the ailments of kidney, where nitrogen containing food/proteins in take is contra indicated. Since, the Prophet (saws) stated that it is a good remedy for Anal fissure, hence for the same complaint patients were advised to take two spoonful of olive oil at bedtime and an ointment was applied on fissure locally at retiring and in morning, prepared from 8 spoonfuls of olive oil and 2 spoonfuls of ground henna leaves. This showed very good effects against the problem. It is a good tonic for hair and maintains the lustre. Its combination with other prescribed drugs of Tibb-al-Nabwi is a good remedy for Psoriasis and Eczema. The impressions of several doctors practising in middle east and North Africa reveal that no case was detected of Gastro Intestinal Carcinoma, among those who were used to consuming olive oil. Japanese doctors also endorse this fact and have the opinion that olive oil prevents the incidence of Carcinoma in G.I.T.
The Prophet (saws) stated that it is a good remedy for intestinal inflammations. Therefore it was used in the cases of G.I.T ulcers and found very much effective. It is also observed that no remedy equates the benefits of olive oil in hyper acidity and gas troubles.
The Prophet (saws) recommended the use of olive oil in Pleurisy. Keeping this in view olive oil was administered in various diseases of Respiratory tract and it was observed that the regular users of olive oil were least affected with common cold and coryza and pneumonia.
The clinical experiences of well qualified and highly established doctors in the profession who take a keen insight in Prophet’s medicine reveal that olive oil is a good supportive treatment in Tubercular infection of either sites. According to a narration of Kahlid Bin Saad in Ibn Maja, one spoonful of Kalonji was pulverised and mixed with 12 spoonful of olive oil. This suggestion was dropped into the nostrils morning and evening for the cases of chronic cold and epistaxis. The results were found highly positive.
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