Saturday, October 18, 2008

Narjis (Narcissus)

The Narjis is hot and dry int he second degree and its stems are used to relieve deep cankers that reach the nerves. Also, Narjis cleanses and extracts septic substances. If the Narjis is cooked and one drinks its water, or boils it and eats it, it will cause vomiting and will extract the moistures that reside in the bottom of the stomach. When the Narjis is cooked with lentil plant and honey, it will cleanse the cankers from septic excretions and will cause the gastric ulcers to rupture.

Narjis blossoms are mild and beneficial against colds. They have a strong power of decomposition, open the nose and cerebral clogs, and help against headaches and black bile. Those who repeatedly smell Narjis during winter will have immunity from pleurisy during summer. Also, Narjis helps relieve headaches caused by phlegm and black bile. Narjis aroma sharpens the mind and the heart and helps relieve many of their ailments. The author of 'At-Taysur' once said, "Inhaling Narjis aroma heals against epilepsy that attacks boys."

Taken From: Healing With The Medicine Of The Prophet (peace be upon him) By Imam Ibn Qayyim Al-Jauziyah

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Abu Dawud and At-Tirmidhi narrated that the Prophet (peace be upon him) used to eat watermelon with ripe dates, saying: "The hotness of this substance (dates) neutralizes the coolness of that (watermelon)."

There are several Ahadith regarding watermelon none of them are authentic, except the Hadith that we mentioned above.

Green watermelon is cold and wet and is sweet. it also works as a cleanser (for the stomach and the intestines). Watermelon departs the stomach more quickly than cucumber and quickly blends with whatever substances are present in the stomach. It is beneficial to eat watermelon when it is warm, but when it is cold it is better to have it with some ginger to offset its harm.

Watermelon should be eaten before the meals. Otherwise, it will cause nausea. Some doctors said that when watermelon is, "Eaten before the meal, it cleanses the stomach and removes ailments."

Taken From: Healing With The Medicine Of The Prophet (peace be upon him) By Imam Ibn Qayyim Al-Jauziyah