Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Nabq or Nabiq

It has several names: Nabq, Christ's thorn, lotus jujube, or rhamnus. Abu Nu'aym mentioned these in his book on Prophetic medicine, when he mentioned the Hadith, " When Adam was sent down to earth, the first of its fruits he ate was Nabiq."

Also, the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) mentioned the Nabq in a hadith narrated by the Two Muhaddithain, "On the night that I was taken on the Night Journey, I was shown Sidrat Al-Muntada (a tree in the seventh heaven) and I saw its Nabq fruits which resembled the clay jugs of Hajr (a town in Arabia)."

Nabq is the fruit produced by the lote-tree. Nabq soothes the natural digestive process, helps against diarrhea, coats the stomach, relieves bile, provides nutrition fo the body, taste to the food and causes phlegm. It also helps against inflammation caused by bile. Nabq is slowly digested while its flour strengthens the bowls and is favorite for bilious temperaments. The harm of the Nabq will be neutralized when eating honeycomb with it.

There is a conflict of opinion concerning if Nabq is wet or dry. The correct opinion is that wet Nabq is cold and wet while dry Nabq is cold and dry.

Taken From: Healing With The Medicine Of The Prophet (peace be upon him) By Imam Ibn Qayyim Al-Jauziyah


Yasmeen said...

Nabq sounds like a very healthy fruit,can I know the English name?

Ms.Unique said...

This link will help you: